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Widget Properties

The behaviour of the Sygma Widget can be customized using configurable properties (props). A complete reference of the properties can be found under packages/widget/src/widget.ts.


Note that some properties require installing additional dependencies.

The currently available properties are:

  • environment
    • Desc: Determines whether the widget operates on the live network (mainnet) or a testing environment (testnet).
    • Usage:
      1. Install @polkadot/types dependency: yarn add -D @polkadot/types
      2. Configure either MAINNET or TESTNET environment inside the SygmaProtocolReactWidget: <SygmaProtocolReactWidget environment={Environment.MAINNET} />
  • whitelistedSourceNetworks
    • Desc: Specifies which blockchain networks can be selected as the source for transactions.
    • Usage: <SygmaProtocolReactWidget whitelistedSourceNetworks={["sepolia"]} />
  • whitelistedDestinationNetworks
    • Desc: Specifies which blockchain networks can be selected as the destination for transactions.
    • Usage: <SygmaProtocolReactWidget whitelistedDestinationNetworks={["cronos"]} />
  • whitelistedSourceResources
    • Desc: Defines which assets or resources (e.g., tokens) can be selected for transaction.
    • Usage: <SygmaProtocolReactWidget whitelistedSourceResources={["resourceID1", "resourceID2"]} />
  • substrateProviders
    • Desc: Specifies the API endpoints or connection details for Substrate-based blockchain networks.
    • Usage:
      1. Install @polkadot/api dependency: yarn add @polkadot/api
      2. Add import statements to the top of the app: import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
      3. Setup a setState action: const [substrateProviders, setSubstrateProviders] = useState<ApiPromise[]>([]);
      4. Initialize the Substrate provider:
          useEffect(() => {
        const provider = new WsProvider('[YOUR_SUBSTRATE_WSS_PROVIDER_HERE]');
        const api = new ApiPromise({ provider });
        api.isReady.then(() => {
        console.log('API is ready');
        }, []);
      5. Pass the provider into the component:

Using Props In An Example

Below you will find an example of props being passed to whitelist (i.e enable) the source and destination networks in the React component:

// App.tsx
import React from "react";
import { SygmaProtocolReactWidget } from "@buildwithsygma/sygmaprotocol-react-widget";
import { Environment } from '@buildwithsygma/sygma-sdk-core';

function MyDapp() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

return (