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Setting Up Locally


You will need to have Docker and Docker Compose installed and running on your machine for the following example, which preconfigures a number of blockchain networks and the relayer infrastructure locally to demonstrate how each entity might interact in testing and production environments. Feel free to clone this repo to tinker with the setup. The full example can be found here.

Local Sygma Setup

The local setup contains preconfigured resources including:

  • two EVM networks running on Ganache with Sygma contracts already deployed
    • The networks are named EVM1 and EVM2 respectively
  • one Substrate network with Sygma pallets already implemented
    • The network is named Substrate
  • three relayer instances listening for, voting, and executing on events
  • a fee oracle

More details can be found in the local configuration.

To interact with the local setup using the Sygma SDK, select LOCAL environment on initialization of the assetTransfer object.

const assetTransfer = new EVMAssetTransfer();
await assetTransfer.init(provider, Environment.LOCAL);

Running the local setup example

We will be running the local setup example provided inside the Sygma SDK repository.

1) Clone the Sygma Relayer repository

First, clone the Sygma relayer repository into a directory of your choice:

git clone

2) Start local setup

cd into the cloned sygma-relayer folder, and then run the following command, which will start the dockerized setup:

make example
Be aware

The make example will require several GB's of space on your machine while it is running. You can follow this documentation to prune unused containers, networks, images, and volumes after you are done with the example in full.

3) Clone the Sygma SDK repository

Next, clone the Sygma SDK repository into a directory of your choice, and then cd into that folder:

git clone
cd sygma-sdk/

4) Build the SDK

If you haven't already done so, install dependencies with:

yarn install

And build the SDK by running:

yarn sdk:build

4) Run the EVM-to-Substrate token transfer example

cd into the local-fungible-transfer example inside the /sygma-sdk/examples folder, and run:

yarn run transfer:evm-substrate

This will start a local ERC-20 transfer of the ERC20LRTest token using the local Sygma setup. It will use ethers together with the sygma-sdk to create a transfer from the EVM1 network to the Substrate network.

5) Run the Substrate-to-EVM token transfer example

To demonstrate the exact same transfer in the other direction, you can also run:

yarn run transfer:substrate-evm

Similarly, this will use @polkadot/api together with the sygma-sdk to create an ERC20LRTest transfer from the Substrate network to the EVM1 network.


To easily verify the bridging transactions, we have added console logs that will print out the transaction hashes and token balances. Additionally, you can verify the Substrate transactions (called extrinsics in the Dotsama ecosystem) by connecting to the locally hosted node using Polkadot.js. This will give you access to the Polkadot.js block explorer. From here, you can paste in the Substrate transaction hashes to verify the chain state.

Make changes to onchain Sygma setup

Once you start the local setup, it is possible to configure the Sygma EVM contracts or Sygma Substrate pallets, since all node RPC endpoints are exposed and you can interact with them as with any regular node.

NetworkRPC endpoint