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Substrate Governance & Multisigs

Substrate Protocol Administration

Administration of the Sygma protocol on Substrate is currently handled by a consortium of early contributors, and will be extended to other network operators over the coming weeks. The Sygma protocol on Substrate is currently administered on two networks, Phala and Khala, by the following set of multi-signature accounts (Multisigs):

Administrative Multisig

The admin multisig is a 2-of-3 and includes actions such as:

  • registerDomain (register a new domain as the supported destination domain, along with its ChainID)
  • setFee (set fee amount for a supported domain and an asset)
  • setFeeHandler (set Fee handler type for a domain and an asset)
  • pauseBridge, unpauseBridge (sygmaBridge) - (pause/unpause the bridge of given destination domain)

The admin multisig covers a set of super administrative privileges, such as pausing the bridge, that may be required in order to be able to reduce the impact of security incidents. As these actions may have significant financial impact, the admin governance process follows a strict off-chain preparation/review and onchain review/signing.

The Substrate admin multisig is listed at the following proxy addresses:

  • Phala (44NmbpHjqbz9FcXfVzFUbMFJh5q7qsKAcSTJvFAdYPqQ62Qv)
  • Khala (44bdQyeqk5oJzxbZH9xMcovmj3oAxqzSjKujaVhHaZxZuTBH)
NameOrganizationPhala AddressKhala Address
David AnserminoChainSafe Systems42V4JXDnFURLyLxvzFiuBPMCc2toBsrFVWUksG3B3T2vQRca463z1zM2pADFN8MtUaKc3V1L3djcET5GjkKG2yTsJqu48GvZ
Hatcher LiptonChainSafe Systems469h6rDAJBVdJLqLY87at3heZXUYvj5ZyxANz1wyKW1RcUTx45jwfY6R8FMJpJwxHyRmmCrh6vZkBSa5C3kBvhQ5d3rB6HhZ
Greg MarkouChainSafe Systems44WynSrkzJLNo8FBMCuGh1QptKLQHGSJ5YYqEx7RhHaFQJLj41Dd2cFGSV7i4Qtdn7GQMmbQ5BwUohNAaHQdcry12Tdx5X58

Substrate Multisigs And Proxy Addresses

Changing the set of members participating in the Substrate multisig OR the threshold in order for an action to go through requires the dissolution of the current multisig and the creation of a new one. Due to this characteristic of multisig accounts on Substrate, it's necessary to use pure proxies together with the multisig account. The Sygma protocol currently uses ChainSafe's Multix tool to facilitate this process.

Utilizing multisig + pure proxy and proxy as AdminAccount: Neither the multisig address nor its proxy will be embedded into the runtime. Instead, the proxy will be granted permissions by Phala and will be stored in the Access Segregator pallet storage. If there's a need to deploy a new multisig, the link between the old multisig and the pure proxy can be remapped by adding the new multisig to the pure proxy using Multix. The old multisig address would then be removed by the new multisig. Since the proxy address remains unchanged, there's no need to upgrade the runtime. Furthermore, we avoid having two accounts with permissions simultaneously. Only the new multisig will have control over the proxy, and the proxy will maintain all of its permissions.

For more details on Multix, see this demo video. You can also refer to the following Polkadot documentation.